Net effect

Key Features

  • Centralize Database Management
  • Custom Properties Management
  • Tour Operator Properties integration
  • Cruise Operator Properties Integration
  • Inquiry Management
  • Client Quotation
  • Social Media Integration
  • Holiday package printing
  • TV advertisement
  • Security
Net Effect Features

Late Card

  • Offers iFrame & custom layout design that renders the Holiday offers
  • Provide Bespoke & standard Cross site Integration
  • Latecard API feeds [XML/JSON] can be styled & integrated in website
  • Marketing email
    • User can select no. of Holiday packages and based on that automatic emails are created and one URL is generated with the predefined content
    • From the short code user can use directly in the mailchimp and can import the whole email templates for further utilization
Net Effect Late Card

    Built for

  • WordPress Logo
    Travel Industry
  • Country Icon